Why do Women Wear Bras?

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A brassiere  commonly referred to as a bra  is a woman's undergarment that supports her breasts. Bras are typically form-fitting and perform a variety of functions and have also evolved into a fashion item. The primary purpose of a bra is to support the woman's breasts. Women commonly wear bras to conform to social norms such as a dress code, or because they believe bras prevent breasts from sagging, an idea that even bra makers do not support.

When girls reach puberty stage, a lot of changes happen in their bodies, such as having monthly menstrual periods, growing hair and developing hips and breasts.

And when girls begin to have these two fleshy mounds, they become excited, because it’s the first visual sign of leaving their childhood. Having breasts means becoming a lady, and having a better-shaped body. When this happens, girls just can not wait to wear bras. Although some girls still can not completely get rid of their childish sides, choosing cutie pinkie little bras for a start, while others choose the sporty type beginners bra. Because, let’s face it, some girls are still too embarrassed about having breasts, especially if they are a little too big for their age.

Girls wear bras just to get the feeling of being covered, and of course, like many girls out there, they want to enhance the shape of their breasts. Yes, bras enhance the shape of breasts, and it gives a more defined look when wearing shirts. It gives girls confidence, because they feel pretty and attractive.

While it is not really a guarantee that bras really protect the breasts from sagging, a lot of girls still believe this. They also want to protect their budding breasts from being exposed to boys. You know, between the ages of 10 and 12 some boys are slightly mean, and are natural teasers. They do not realize the privacy of these issues, and they sometimes tease girls for having breasts poking from their shirts. To relieve themselves from the embarrassment, girls just simply wear bras.

Women just like having nice things around them, and the assorted bra colors and designs are just too attractive for them to ignore. Owning these lacy, hearty or polka-dotty designed bras to match their knickers just gives a girl utter joy, even though no one gets to see it anyway.

In western cultures, about 10–25% of women do not wear a bra, either as a matter of preference or sometimes for health or comfort reasons. Some garments, such as camisoles, tank tops and backless dresses, have built-in breast support, alleviating the need to wear a separate bra.