Are You Wearing the Right Bra Size?

No woman can deny that bra shopping can be quite difficult at times. Not only is it hard to find one which you actually like in appearance, but it is also hard finding one which is actually going to fit you the way that you want it to. The main reason that many of us do experience so many difficulties when bra shopping is because we may be wearing the wrong bra size. In fact, studies have shown that between 70% and 80% of all women are wearing the wrong bra size - and most of them do not even know it!  

Why Wearing the Right Bra Size is Important
If you know that you are wearing the wrong size bra, chances are that you probably thought that there was nothing wrong with it. However, if you have noticed that your bras feel quite uncomfortable, the reason is because you are wearing the wrong size. Not only may you notice discomfort when you are wearing these bras, but you also probably notice discomfort after you take them off.

When you wear the wrong bra size, chances are that it can have an affect on your overall appearance. Sometimes the best way to get rid of that back bulge or allowing your shirts to fit you a little bit better is to wear the right size bra. You will probably look a lot better wearing a bra that is right size than one that is the wrong size.

Wearing the wrong bra size has been known to cause a number of disadvantages to you in the future, aside from being uncomfortable. Some of the different effects that wearing the wrong size can have on your breasts include the appearance of aging and sagginess in the future. Like most women, this is probably not something that you will want to have to deal with. This is the main reason that wearing a bra which is the right size is so important.

How the Right Sized Bra Should Feel
Since so women out there are wearing bras that do not fit them, many do not know what the right bra should really feel like. There are a number of different characteristics that you should be able to experience when wearing the right bra size.

When you raise your arms above your head, your breasts should remain in the bra. If they do not, you may want to consider going up a band size. The band should remain fitted the same throughout your entire body, rather than sliding up or down in the back and doing the opposite in the front. If this happens, you may need to go down a band size. This goes for both when you raise your arms and when you do not.

The bra strap adjustment is one of the main keys to finding the right bra size. The adjustment level should not be any more than halfway, and even halfway is pushing it. If you need this amount of adjustment for the bra to fit, you may want to go up a band size. At the same time, if the bra strap adjustment level is up more than it should be too keep the bra so that it does not fit too loosely, it is best to go down a band size.

Your breasts should fit in the bra without there being any type of tightness or looseness. The bra should not show any type of wrinkles, and you should also not see any type of major "gaps" between your breasts and the bra. If you do, you will know that the bra is not fitted correctly, and you may need to go up or down band or cup sizes.

What Can You Do To Find Out For Sure?
Although you can go and try on a bunch of different bra sizes in hopes of finding the right one, chances are that this can take you all day. Even when you think that you have found the right size on your own, there is always the possibility that this bra size still might not be the one which you need. So, how do you really know what bra size is suitable for you? The best way is to go get fitted. Lingerie stores, as well as many department stores, offer bra fitting. Getting measured is the only way to know for sure what your proper bra size is - or should be, if the one which you are currently wearing is the wrong size.

Different sizes of women breasts

How to measure your bra size